Toward sustainable energy production

We are a competent developer of solar power parks

  • Trustworthy

    Our goal is a transparent solar power park development project leading to a successful outcome for all parties involved.

  • Industry Expertise

    Our core expertise is the assessment, development, and permitting of renewable energy projects up to the construction permit phase.

  • Through Experience

    Our team members have been involved in renewable energy projects since 2008, in roles such as business developer, permitting expert for the municipal sector, and project developer for investors. We also have a strong, permanent network of experts that we leverage as needed in the permitting process.

  • Jari Marttinen


    Contractual matters, municipal and authority cooperation

    Jari’s strengths include strategic planning, project management, stakeholder collaboration, and knowledge of the municipal sector.

    He has extensive international management experience in the industry and municipal sectors, and in consulting. He has been working in the energy industry since 2008. Prior to this, he worked in various international leadership positions in the forest and machine manufacturing industries.

    Within the energy sector, Jari has worked as Senior Vice President, Energy Markets Business Unit in ÅF Consult Oy (today, AFRY), as Managing Director of Finnish Consulting Group’s (FCG) Design and Engineering Ltd., and as Managing Director of Tallnäs Consulting Oy.

    Education:  Jari holds a Master of Science degree in Chemical Engineering and an MBA degree.

  • Lauri Solin


    Permitting Processes

    Lauri has the ability to manage and coordinate the appropriate progression of various permitting processes. Thanks to his extensive experience, he can smoothly integrate the views of different interest groups.

    He has over 20 years of extensive experience in investment project planning regarding land use and permitting processes. Over the years, Lauri has supported project stakeholders in numerous investment project permitting processes in the energy industry. Throughout his career, he has been involved in enabling approximately 1.5 GW of renewable energy investments and €3 billion worth of industrial investments in Finland.

    Previously, Lauri has worked as the service area director for land use, architecture, and construction, as well as a sales director and quality manager at FCG Finnish Consulting Group Ltd.

    Education: Lauri holds a Master of Science degree in Engineering. Additionally, he has furthered his education in process and quality management (Master Of Quality), project management (IPMA C), and holds the qualification for a planner (YKS-402).

  • Peter Tuominen


    Peter worked at the energy company Fortum for over 30 years, until he retired in December 2022. He worked as a director in Fortum's nuclear power operations, responsible for independent assessment of nuclear safety and production reliability, power production interest promotion, international matters related to nuclear safety, and nuclear material control.

    Additionally, he has been responsible for environmental, safety, and quality management, safety culture, management systems and processes development. Peter has also been involved in the development, permitting, environmental impact assessment, and land use planning of several projects.

    Since spring 2023 Peter has been working at Solmar Consulting Oy, where he is responsible for technical project development, quality and safety.

    Education: Peter holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree.

  • Antti Honkarinta


    Antti is a sales and marketing professional who, through his own company, has been involved in developing the sales and marketing of several companies in recent years. Previously, he has worked in the municipal and education sectors in tasks related to projects and their financing. 

    With over thirty years of hunting and hunting dog hobby, Antti also brings practical understanding to working with landowners and stakeholders related to land areas. He has also organized hunting trips to Northern Finland for international clients.

    Education: Antti holds a Master of Science in Economics and a Bachelor of Arts degree.

  • Nina Kajaslahti


    Nina has over 20 years of experience in project management, having worked for two major design and engineering companies: FCG Finnish Consulting Group Suunnittelu ja Tekniikka Oy and WSP Finland Oy.

    Nina’s responsibilities have included supporting project managers throughout the project lifecycle and management reporting. In addition to financial reporting, strong interpersonal skills have been essential in her previous roles. She is now able to utilize this expertise at Solmar Consulting Oy as well.

    Education: Vocational Qualification in Business.